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The DappnodeSDK dappnodesdk is a tool that makes creating and publishing new Dappnode packages as simple as possible. It helps to initialize, build, test, and publish the new package/repo to an APM tracked on the Ethereum Mainnet.

We have deployed a public APM (Aragon Package Manager) registry in which anyone can create their own APM repository: public.dappnode.eth

Demo GIF

Command-line options

DappnodeSDK is usually executed from the command line. The following are all the available commands.


You can run dappnodesdk <command> help to get more information about each command.

Usage: dappnodesdk <command> [options]

build Build a new version (only generates the ipfs hash)
from_github [repoSlug] Gets an existing DNP Github release (assets) and uploa
d it to IPFS
increase [type] Increases the version defined in the manifest
init Initialize a new DAppNodePackage (DNP) repository
next [type] Compute the next release version from local
publish [type] Publish a new version of the package in an Aragon Pack
age Manager Repository
github-action Github actions tooling to be run in CI. Uses a specifi
c set of options for internal DAppNode use. Caution: o
ptions may change without notice.

--dir, --directory Change the base directory [string] [default: "./"]
--compose_file_name Compose file for docker-compose
[string] [default: "docker-compose.yml"]
--silent Silence output to terminal [boolean]
--verbose, --debug Show more output to terminal [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]```